Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Occupy Carcosa - Further Adventures On The Blasphemous Planet

On on isolated mountain plateau in the middle of an inaccessible mountain biosphere of Carcosa sits Mountain We'Rearura. This unique place sits between three of the most alien jungles ever seen & the place  is guarded by a unique set of geologic features   & are considered to be some of the oldest geological formations known, some dating back to two-billion years ago. The place itself is guarded by 3 hit point carnivorous plants & miniature dinosaurs. 
 The place is also home to a strange forbidden alien base with a ruined temple to some pagan alien god of unknown origin. The entire place is guarded by alien undead dwarves. They are capable of ripping a man in half with little issue or problem. 
 The Ruins Of We'Rearura

Underground is a different matter with huge hallways, store rooms, &  alien machinery. The entire operation is looked over by monstrous alien insecticidal creatures

The ruins are watched over by Occult tech gargoyles. Some of these may attack the unwary or the unaware.
The underworld of the Ruins of We'Rearura are twisting mazes of decay & depreciation. The full extent of these ruins is unknown. Strange minerals & such are mined here & sent off world via dimensional gates. Undead, ghouls, zombies, & far worse are found here. 

There are number of worlds, & Cthulhuian races who trade with these unknown masters of darkness & death. The Mi-Go, The Elder Things, & even the Yithians are known to trade with these beings for slaves, sorcery & worse. The long twisting hallways thread their way through the mountains & into places god was not meant to know. 

The mountain of  We'Rearura draw sorcerers like moths to a flame in search of the dwarves, the materials they mine, & the forbidden necromanctic technology they're masters wield with impunity. 
Care should be taken when entreating with these monsters from beyond the spheres of hell. The whine of their guardian spheres may be the last things your characters ever hear! 
Minions Of  The Tall One
Dwarf Zombies

Number Appearing :1-3
AC: 8
Move: 9
% In Lair: 50%
Treasure: B

Created from the bodies of the recently deceased these creatures are capable of lifting twice their weight. They are used extensively on heavy gravity worlds & as undead are immune to most of the effects of atmosphere, heavy gravity, & many types of psychical damage. 
They are hardy workers & are driven by a malevolent & sadistic work ethic. 

Created by the harvesting, processing, & rearrangement of their internal organs these creatures have only the barest essence of  who they were in life. They recognize their living relations but their reasoning power is driven by alien evil that has no will of its own.
As undead they are immune to all forms of mind effecting magics & many types of psionics. The mind of the deceased is driven by nano phasic engines & computers. They will attack en mass anything that their alien god sends them after. They are used throughout the mountain complex of  We'Rearura
The Golden Spheres 

Number Appearing :1
Hit Dice:3
% In Lair : 100%
Treasure: Nil
Created from the brains of alien overseers. These nasty malevolent spheres of violence & degradation are found through out the compounds & ruins of  We'Rearura. They use a variety of weapons from appendage slicers which do 1d3 points of damage to a cranial saw that does 1d6. They carry a laser blaster which does   1d4 to whatever it hits causing explosive decompression in liquids. 
These spheres move by a telekinesis & phasic motor system enabling them to turn on a dime. They are immune to all illusion & mind control powers. 

The Silver Guardians Ala The Silver Spheres 

Number Appearing :1-4
Armor Class:9
Move: 24
Hit Dice: 2
% In Lair:50 to 70% Depending On Area
Treasure: Nil
Created from the brains of the deceased these small orbs of horror move with impunity across the face of their masters properties drawn by the fear & loathing of their prey. They attack with little provocation & move with all haste to kill anything that gets in their way.
They use a wide variety of  combat implements from appendage slicers which do 1d3 points of damage to spinning blades that do 1d4 points. Their most destructive attack is a cranial drill that will do 1d4 points per round & after which the blood supply of the victim is vacuumed out of the body.
These spheres move by a telekinesis & phasic motor system enabling them to turn on a dime. They are immune to all illusion & mind control powers. 

Mixing & Matching The Systems & Content of Carcosa 

Recently I was asked by Larry's group to develop a Carcosa campaign. Something different with a more 70s gonzo feel to it. Sort of akin to Star Wars on acid. I stumbled upon the addition to the Carcosian arsenal . Are some rules for using Jedi in Carcosa! 
You can find those right Here
Many thanks to Kesher over at the Original Dungeons & Dragons forums read about it right Here

S o after telling my friend Larry about this. He wants to play a Jedi along with his son as his partner/ appendice! 
The rest of the group isn't impressed by Jedi & wanted me to come up with a dungeon. I decided on something else from the 70s hence the Phantasm influence. 

They've been hearing me go on for a good month about Prometheus so the Aliens for now are on the back burner.
 I'm dusting off some of my West End Games Star Wars books as well as the D20 ones & looking at my old Marvel Star Wars Comics
I have a month to develop this campaign & in the meantime they can suffer in Transylvania. Meantime I'm going to be making massive use of Terminal Space, Swords & Wizardry, Planet Algol's resources, etc. 

Meanwhile some place else on Carcosa this is happening! Right Now! 


  1. In your hands Carcosa becomes even stranger than the published product invisioned--and that's only to the good.

  2. Thanks Trey! Carcosa presents an awesome campaign setting. There's more to come!
    I'm all for pushing the envelop on the setting!

  3. What a masterpiece in adventure writing!

  4. Glad you liked the ideas Monster J! Thanks for the kind words!


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